Potty training, to be honest is miserable! A lot of us would rather change diapers than to face up to it. Well here is a little something that really helped motivate my little ones to keep trying.
I start out by giving them a treat every time they sit on the potty. A gummy bear or a Skittle, something small. But after a while they loose interest and they don't want to try anymore. So do you put a diaper back on them or start forcing them to use the toilet. Believe me forcing them onto the toilet is not a good idea.
So in my desperation I turned to bribery. Yes, bribery! I'm not ashamed to admit it. If ever there is a time for it, this is it! I took my child to the store and picked out two toys that they were absolutely in love with! I place the toys (in the boxes) right in front of the toilet where they can see them while they sit. Then I explain that when they pee in the toilet they can open one toy, and if they poop they can open the other. Then I let them sit on the toilet and hold the box with the toy.
If they have an accident, one of the toys goes back in the bathroom until they poop or pee in the toilet again. Pretty soon they start to catch on. So far this has been the best motivation I've found. So, for all you Moms facing potty training in the near future, I hope this works for you like it did for me!
Good Luck!
I love Strawberry Shortcake and her friends! They're so cute! The only thing wrong with these sweet little dolls are there clothes. I couldn't find the dolls with the traditional clothes anywhere.
Oh well... my little girl loves them!